Draw & Results

To see the draw and results, set up the DRIBL app on your phone (steps below) or, if you prefer, you can access the information through your web browser.

Download Dribl on iOS
Download Dribl on Android

To set up Dribl on your phone:

  1. Download the app from the Apple store or the Google Play store.
  2. Click Sign Up.
  3. Enter your email address (if applicable, use the email address you used to register via PlayFootball), and click Next.
  4. Create a password.
  5. Enter the 4 digit code.
  6. Upon sign in, select ‘allow’ notifications to receive updates for fixture changes (eg wet weather).
  7. Select Profile. There may be more than one profile if more than one member is linked to your email.
  8. Verify your name and date of birth.

To follow a team or league

  1. Click the Star icon.
  2. Select Add a Team.
  3. Select Northern Suburbs Football Association.
  4. Select Kissing Point FC (Junior Girls may need to select Turramurra/KissingPointFC as the club).
  5. Select a team.
  6. Your followed teams will appear in ‘Following’ and ‘My Hub’.

For help with Dribl, you can